Mission & Vision

Our 5 Purposes: Vision Mission statement

We are striving to be a multiplying community of people transformed by the Gospel, devoted to God’s Word, committed in community, and relentless in prayer UNTIL our families, our neighbors, our city, and our world know that Jesus is true hope.

Transformed by the Gospel - We all want our lives to change in some way, but we often see that true, long-term change never seems to be within reach. The good news is that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and gives us new life through his resurrection. This is the only thing the truly transforms us from the inside out. We can’t pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, or self-help ourselves into a new man or women, but rather the power of the Gospel in our lives works by forgiving us , healing us, and transforming us, giving us a fresh start in life, and continually working in us to change us into something better; something that looks more like Jesus.

Transformed by the Gospel

Devoted to God’s Word - The Bible is the primary means by which we know God. God’s word is our “supreme authority in all faith and conduct”. It guides our beliefs, our behaviors, and the life of our church. Our priority in preaching each Sunday is to express the truth of God’s word as he has given it to us. We encourage and facilitate personal devotion to God’s Word through our all church Bible reading plan. We encourage a corporate devotion to the word through discussion in our Hope Groups.

Committed in Community - Jesus brings us together and makes us a new family in him. We are not a family in name only, but we live out our spiritual family in tangible ways, both enjoying the benefits of biblical community, and also giving of ourselves to serve our brothers and sisters. The richness of God’s love, and the “one-another” commands of the New Testament, are our guide in our life together as God’s people. The best, most consistent way to practice biblical community in our church is through our Hope Groups.

Relentless in Prayer - Prayer shouldn’t be a last resort but rather a knee jerk response. We can’t do anything God has asked us to do without his power in our lives and in the life of our church. We access God’s infinite power through prayer. We align ourselves to his purposes through prayer. We face the powers of darkness through prayer. We pray for people’s needs in our church through our all-church prayer feed in the Echo prayer app. We have corporate prayer as a part of our Sunday service each week. Our Hope Groups pray continually for each other, our church, and our community.

Multiplying Community - We are not a christian club but a multiplying community. Just as God called the nation of Israel to be a light to the nations, he has called his church to go into all the world and make disciples. For this reason we understand that we need to be willing and open to multiply as a community. This means that each member of our church is actively seeking to multiply faith in others around them through their personal witness of Jesus. For our church it might mean starting a 2nd service in Spanish, multiplying one of our Hope Groups to start a new one, or maybe even eventually planting a church in a nearby community.

Got questions?

Have a question about what we believe at True Hope Church? Get in touch with a person on our lead team directly by clicking the button below.

Our Beliefs are the foundation of our interactions with God, each other, and our community.