
Hope Groups

Hope sometimes seems like just a lofty ideal but through Jesus it can be an everyday reality.  The primary way Jesus wants us to receive hope is through our life together as his people.  As a church, we seek to live out community through our Hope Groups.  These are small groups of people who live out Jesus’ hope to one another in three ways.

Hope through prayer.  We are vulnerable about our lives, and the needs we have, and pray for one another, our church, and our world.

Hope through God’s word.  We spend time engaging with God’s word together, sharing and listening to others on how his word impacts our everyday life.

Hope through serving.  We focus on serving the members of our Hope Group as Jesus did, practicing the “one another’s” of the New Testament.  As a Hope Group we seek to serve others in our community in practical, loving ways.

Click on Group Name for more information

Tom Rasmussen

Hope Groups Lay Pastor