
Thank you for your gift! Your generosity helps support the mission and vision of expanding God's kingdom through church multiplication. We believe God's people are to be His hands and feet, serving both their communities and the world so others can experience the true hope of Jesus Christ. We appreciate your financial partnership and support that allows us to live the mission and expand God's kingdom one heart at a time. We are committed to being generous toward the great things God is doing in our backyard and around the world. Every year 10% of our annual budget goes to church plants, missionaries, nonprofits, and people in need to accomplish the larger vision of God for His people.

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 Additional Ways to Give


Give in person

You can give in person on Sundays using the giving boxes in the back of the worship center.


Mail your gift

Send a check to True Hope Nampa 1417 3rd St S, Nampa, ID 83651


Give Assets

Contact us during business hours at 208.595.5587 with any questions about giving assets to True Hope Nampa.